Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas 2008 - Apache

On Christmas Day, after we had lunch at Bubba's, we headed over to Apache for Christmas with the Young's. Smokey and Kristy made it down from Kansas City this year, so there was a HOUSEFUL of itty bitty' was loads of fun.

Just before the chaos started...

...and go...OPEN PRESENTS!!! WOO HOO!!!

Cole got a Handy Manny car from Uncle Smokey and Aunt Kristy. It is still one of his favorites. (too many small pieces to keep up with...I guess that was paybacks for buying Jackson a train set for his birthday)

Lillian got some new pink boots from Uncle Smokey and Aunt Kristy

The Handy Manny car was "Uncle Smokey proof". Cole and Jackson had it figured out in no time, though.
Lucas got a ride-on car..."I'm outta here."

Brady didn't know what was going on, but he was not left out. He gets the award for the "Best Behaved Itty-Bitty"

Everyone needed a one would sleep in the beds...


BATH TIME! I'm not sure how many more will fit in Grandma and Papa's tub...

MOVIE TIME! Mickey Mouse Christmas, Cheerios and milk...they were finally still and quiet.

LINE-UP! This picture cracks me up. They all look guilty. "Face to the left...face to the right...face to the front...would suspect #3 please step forward..."

They have an entire room full of toys and they are playing on the blow-up matress. At least they are having a blast together.

Waaaaaaa Hooooooooo!!!!!!!!

"It's my turn."

"No, it's my turn."

"No, it's myyyyy turn."

Grandma's exercise ball is a big hit. I think Amy finally put it out of sight so the fights would stop. Good call, Amy.

I caught these 3 playing behind Grandma and Papa's bed.

V-neck or U-neck? You decide...

A very intense game of Scattegories
The elusive Grandparents/Grandkids picture

The Miller's came over to Apache for a visit. Jackson M and Cole...Yummmm, fruit roll-ups!
"How much is that doggie in the window?"
(L>R: Jackson M, Cole and Jackson Y)
Aubrey and Lillian
Leave it to Cole to find the dirt
Grandma with Lucas and Brady
Who needs a chair?
Faron shot a deer on Sat evening on the Miller's land. It was the 1st. His eyes were all lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning.
The last of the Christmas posts...finally. We had a wonderful Christmas with all the families. Can't wait til next year. I'll try not to take so many pictures...Yeah right!

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